This is by you or GrudgyGrunt because i saw alot thing by him , Overall brillant flash but cuz this im not give you five stars , tell me this by you or him ?
Btw you are a GrudgyGrunt ?
This is by you or GrudgyGrunt because i saw alot thing by him , Overall brillant flash but cuz this im not give you five stars , tell me this by you or him ?
Btw you are a GrudgyGrunt ?
Ohh seriously !
What the fuck is this , dont connect shitty bronies with wonderfull Madness !
Tell me its a joke , all sprites are by krinkels , you only changed it a bit , also the animation
and graphic maybe is quite good but every fucking second i getting more angry because
you connected Madness with bronies , this horrible move maked me angry as fuck
and i hope you die soon , Madness is much better than this fucking bronies and its unacceptable
to connect Beautiful thing with ugly shitty crap like bronies.
0/10 Horrible and dissapointing.
If "the Animation and graphic maybe is quite good", then I don't think it's worth a zero rating. But then again you're just a parasprite troglodyte coupled with the animation capabilities of a five year old who just figured out microsoft paint. As a brony, I should love and tolerate, but, you're just a idiot. An idiot with nothing but ad hominem. And there's nothing I hate more than stupid people. So go crawl back into whatever... crevice you've squirmed out of.
Ouuch !
I always tell the facebook is evil but no one belive me.
Please tell me its a joke.
The idea is not bad its fact but the animation , and almost everything is fucking bad.
Why the hell soldier have a sheriff tracker , idea ripped from Madness Combat.
One of the worst madness movies nothing else to say.
R.I.P Madness Combat Community
Deimos and Sanford is original characters you faggot , oh yes using a original characters and
making shitty clone of famous Madness Combat , the animation is shitty , and why the hell you
make a movie clip to feets move , animation looks like a shit , bad , bad , bad , and once again bad.
The music is not bad but is bad for madness animations.
The ideas is most shitty , clones of Deimos , Sanford is a prisoner , What happened to the Hank , 1337 survived the explosion , AR-15 without clip , and the much more of purest shit.
Im dont know how the hell make a shitty flash and submit to the newgrounds , after this tell everyone.
`MadsuZ flasz wote 5 or Vote tehg 10 k`
And when someone tell true about bad movie
`Fuc y00 iM tehg PrO bt0 u aR heter go to HaLL FaGGG0t`
I`m just tell true about retarded madness community and this shitty `animation`.
Pointless , i have nothing to cartoons like these but you actually killed good idea , Chuck norris immediantelly escaped and killed the jigsaw and epicly finished him , pointless because this dont have
any reall point or sence , you made a uniriginal piece flash.
Also the sounds are anoying and animation very poor , better stop animating cartoons like this
or learn more about making a good cartoons.
Animation 3/10
Sounds 4/10
Idea 2/10
Overall - 2/10
Next time make something better or do nothing.
- n21s
Somewhere In Poland
Joined on 4/10/13